La governance delle PMI
As well known, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) represent a
very important component of the European business system and are a crucial
element for the improvement of our country's economy. This paper aims to
analyze and describe one of the fundamental elements necessary to ensure the
dynamic sustainability of SMEs: the governance system.In detail, governance – understood as "the way companies are
directed and controlled" – is a necessary activity for SMEs in order to
acquire missing skills and to develop a professional model of business, based
on a methodical and systematic approach. This activity is not yet adequately
considered neither by the countrywide system – which ask for governance only as
the "necessary counterpart" to access to financial market – nor by
the SMEs – which have not perceived its extraordinary utility -.This paper intends to provide a contribution for the necessary
improvement process of governance in the SMEs outlook. After explaining the
main characteristics of governance and SMEs, the paper analyzes the structure
and the social and organizational system of the latter ones. The analysis, in
addition to the personal experience of the author, allows us to sketch the main
elements necessary to create and implement the "good governance” as a driver to
provide long-term sustainability to SMEs.
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