Il principio di omogeneità e l’usura – alcune note tecniche


Nowadays there is no doubt that there should be simmetry between the calculated interest rates and the average effective rates, as indicated in sentences No. 12965 and 22270 of Italian Supreme Court (civil section).It should be remembered that formulas and criteria related to the inclusion of bank charges, contained in Bank of Italy instructions, are subject to periodic review and improvement, in the same way, therefore, the articulation of the homogeneous categories of transactions could be improved in order to identify classes of elements more consistent with the respect to credit risk. This particular measure, together with a less uncertainty about rates verification, could favor the containment of the margin of tolerance between the average rates and the usury ceiling rates, other than the reduction of legal limits


  • SALANITRO G., Usura ed interessi moratori, in Banca, Borsa e Titoli di Credito, Giuffrè Editore, Milano, 2015, fasc. 5.
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