Gestione ad opera del curatore della bonifica dei terreni inquinati e dei rifiuti speciali, onere che ricade sul curatore e costi che gravano sulla massa, alla luce della sentenza n. 3077/2023 Cassazione Civile Sezioni Unite e della sentenza n. 3/2021 Adunanza Plenaria del Consiglio di Stato (nota alla sentenza delle Sezioni Unite Civili della Corte di Cassazione, del 1° febbraio 2023, n. 3077)


The United Civil Sections of the Court of Cassation have ruled on a matter of extreme interest and topicality, pertaining to the issue of liability for environmental damage, the question becomes particularly thorny when a bankruptcy procedure intervenes and the bankruptcy trustee or, today, of the judicial liquidation, has to decide on properties that fall within the scope of the procedure and are located on potentially polluted sites or land or in need of reclamation due to the presence of special or dangerous waste. The Plenary Meeting of the Council of State ruled on this question, clearly maintaining that the bankruptcy guardianship, having custody of the assets of the bankrupt, even when the entrepreneurial activity does not continue, cannot in any case be exempt from responsibility, otherwise, he points out, the costs of reclamation or disposal "would end up falling on the innocent community, in contrast to the EU principle, the polluter pays”. The United Sections, in a completely opposite direction to the decision of the Council of State, affirmed that the owner/manager of the polluted site who has not directly caused the pollution cannot be required to carry out the measures in emergency safety (so-called "m.i.s.e.”) and reclamation.


  • GRELLA U., relatore nel corso del seminario “Bonifiche ambientali e procedure fallimentari” 18 aprile 2023 Milano - Formazione forense Ordine Avvocati Milano
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