
The objective of the paper is to investigate whether the parties involved in tax litigation related to a business acquisition, such as a business combination in which the acquirer obtains the control of the business by transferring cash, make use of concepts, methods and figures that could be recognized and applied within the area of business administration studies. Moreover, the study aims to explore the extent to which business valuation theory, involving valuation methods, the notion of value, the financial information and analysis, and the features of the business being valued, may affect the decisions of the fiscal judge, by focusing on a sample of judgments handed down over the last five years by the Italian Regional and Provincial Tax Courts. On the basis of an empirical research conducted through the content analysis method, the study highlights the convergent and divergent points between business administration theory and regulatory prescriptions and practices that emerge in business valuation from a fiscal point of view. Some implications for theory and practice are drawn, with a focus on potential directions for future research.


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👤  Daniela Rupo
👤  Anna Paris