Responsabilità omissiva impropria degli amministratori non esecutivi. Ricognizione della fattispecie e (ri)affermazione dei formanti costitutivi del dolo da parte della Suprema Corte. Nota alla sentenza della Sezione V Penale della Corte di Cassazione del 13 giugno 2022 (dep. 13 settembre 2022), n. 33582


The Italian Supreme Court returns on the debated issue of the liability, in corporate offences, for omissive behavior of the non-executive directors, reaffirming the most guaranteeing solutions deriving from the troubled interpretation of the subjective intentional component - in the twofold meaning of the representation and volition of the unlawful act - at the basis of the inaction of those subjects when facing a recognizable risk indices as to the existence of unlawful conduct of the operational top management, to be evaluated with regard to the real extension and effectiveness of the impeding powers recognized by law.

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