Usura bancaria: alcuni spunti di valutazione relativi ad interessi di mora, posizione di garanzia ed usura in concreto


The essay, after a brief mention of the regulatory evolution about the crime of usury in the Italian legal system, deals with three most significant aspects to detect the limits in its applicability to the banking sector. The first one concerns the relevance of the default interest for the purposes of the application of the usury crime. By assuming the subsumption of this type of interest to the scope of the general discipline covered by Law nr. 108/1996, the author highlights the absence of a specific threshold rate to be used to verify the occurrence of the case referred to in art. 644, par. 3, first part, of the Italian criminal code. In this regard, the case law has detected the potential breach of art. 25, par. 2, Italian Constitution as a consequence of the use of threshold rates not expressly provided for or referred to by sector regulations. The second topic concerns the definition of the "posizione di garanzia” of top managers in Banks and the related assessment of mens rea. In this regard, two judgments, ruling with the same matter, come to different decisions: one of condemnation, the other of acquittal due to lack of intent. The third issue concerns the scope of the case referred to art. 644 paragraph 3 c.p. second part ("usura soggettiva o in concreto”) to banking activity. In this regard, after a brief overview of previous case law, the author highlights several elements that would prevent his application to that sector.


  • DOLMETTA A.A., Su usura e interessi di mora: questioni attuali, in Banca Borsa e Titoli di Credito, 2013, 5, p. 501.
  • FARINA V., Sindacato e disapplicazione dei decreti ministeriali in tema di usura e rilevanza dell’operazione economica, in Banca Borsa e Titoli di Credito, 2016, 4, p. 445.
  • FIORUCCI F., Interessi moratori e usura: profili di illegittimità costituzionale, in, del 9 marzo 2017.
  • MAGRO M.B., Riflessioni penalistiche in tema di usura bancaria, in Dir. Pen. Cont., 2017, 3, 49.
  • SEMERARO M., Usura bancaria e regole del mercato del credito, in Banca Borsa e Titoli di Credito, 2017, 2, p. 207.
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