
This study sheds light on the communication of debt-restructuring transactions to solve financial crisis of companies operating in the shipping industry. Financial performance of shipping companies declines after the decrease of rental fees in 2015. Therefore, this study analyses a sample of Italian shipping companies with an ongoing debt-restructuring transaction over the 2016-2019 period. We analyze the impact of debt renegotiation on the level of debt and the quality of disclosure provided in annual financial statements. Then, we analyze if companies concluding debt-restructuring transactions adopt different valuation criteria in their financial statements in comparison with a sample of shipping companies not involved in debt renegotiations. Results suggest that information provided in annual financial statements enables to understand the main features of the concluded transaction. In addition, debt-restructuring firms use a longer useful life of assets, whereas companies not involved in debt-restructuring firms avoid more frequently the use of amortization cost to evaluate their debt.


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