L’applicazione dell’excess earnings method nella stima del portafoglio lavori
The backlog is often an intangible asset which is strategic for
make-to-order manufacturing firms. The valuation of backlogs arises in the case
of the sale both of one or more contracts and of firms or a business units,
when the expert estimates assets and liabilities by using the asset-based
approach and including intangible assets in valuation. Despite this, the issue
appears to be poorly treated in literature at the national and international
levels.The Excess Earnings Method (EEM) is strongly accredited internationally
in both theory and practice for valuing customerrelated assets, such as
customer relations, commercial contracts, customer lists and backlogs too.
However, theoretical contributions on the use of the EEM in the specific
valuation of backlogs are quite rare.The paper studies the application of the EEM just to the valuation of
backlog. The objective is not only to describe the estimate process carried out
with the EEM of this specific asset but to develop a critical analysis of the
method in its application to such valuation object, in order to grasp the
strengths and weaknesses of the method itself.We conclude that the EEM is highly appreciable for its strong economic
rationality as well as for its international recognition in the context of
professional business valuation services. It is also true, however, that it
denotes elements of uncertainty related to the multiple estimates to be made,
appears extremely complex, is a time-consuming process and that its application
requires a high level of specialist valuation knowledge and skills by the
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