Insolvenza prospettica: applicazioni nella giurisprudenza di merito in attesa dell’entrata in vigore del Codice della Crisi d’Impresa e dell’Insolvenza (nota al decreto del Tribunale Benevento del 18 dicembre 2019)


The Court of Benevento, after distinguishing the state of insolvency from the default of the obligation, defines the latter as symptomatic of the former, but not also its necessary element. From this distinction, the Court derives the possibility of the occurrence of a situation of default, which for this reason alone does not also entail a state of insolvency, where the entrepreneur who resists the bankruptcy petition is able to provide proof of non-imputability to their own conduct of their default and, therefore, of the consequent absence of a state of insolvency. The judgment of merit substantially applies the "new" institute of the prospective insolvency to the contrary, as declared by the same Extensor, to exclude the insolvency of the entrepreneur who is in a state of only temporary difficulty, if it emerges that this state can be overcome through the ordinary continuation of the business activity. The ruling in comment is part of a dynamic and intense jurisprudence on the issue of insolvency and the business crisis in the light of the new Crisis Code, in which the Court of Milan is the leader, with the decree of 3 October 2019, Pres Rel. A. Paluchowski, already the subject of numerous contributions and appreciations.


  • M. SPIOTTA, Insolvenza (non ancora) prospettica: quali rimedi?, in il Fallimento 1/2020
  • P. VELLA, L’allerta del Codice della crisi e dell’insolvenza alla luce della Direttiva (UE) 2019/1023, su
  • Tribunale di Milano, decreto 3 ottobre 2019, Pres. Rel. A. Paluchowski, su
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