
The report from Management has attracted growing attention from Standards Setters and in particular many have contended that traditional financial statements - since they portray the
financial effects of past events - do not provide all the information stakeholders may need and not be able to capture the value drivers (such as intangible assets) that dominate the new economy. Especially international developments in Management Commentary (the term used by the IASB to describe Management Report) give specific attention to a broad spectrum of forward-looking information a company provides to investors and creditors for their investment decision making. Hence, Management Report is already becoming an important element of entity’s communication with capital markets, supplementing and complementing financial statements by setting out the management’s analysis of the business, its nature, its objectives and the strategies adopted to achieve those objectives. So, this study investigates the new role of Management Report in Italy by the introduction of the Legislative Decree No. 32/2007. According to this Decree the information provided by the Management not be restricted to the financial aspects of the company’s business but must encompass an explanation (including quantitative data and qualitative analysis) of an entity’s current performance and position, perhaps together with information defining an insight into its future prospects and an analysis of environmental and social aspects of the business. We discuss Management Report and its role for improving quality and transparency of Financial Reporting as once Academics had remarked the usefulness of forward-looking information included in Management Report for traditional and new categories of users.


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👤  Elisa Menicucci