La postergazione del finanziamento dei soci ex art. 2467 c.c.: individuazione della fattispecie e criticità relative al “dies storico”


The lawmaker, as part of the major reform carried out in 2003, introduced a provision aimed at tackling the so-called "nominal undercapitalization”: the provision set out under Article 2467 of the Italian Civil Code provides that, in the context of limited liability companies, the so-called "anomalous” shareholder financing is subordinated to other company’s creditors. Recently, the Italian Supreme Court, following a path of reasoning already present in its case law, has identified the moment in which the financing has to be qualified as "anomalous” and is therefore considered subordinated by operation of law. The time when this assessment is crystallized has significant value considering what the legal consequences are with respect to the shareholders and, accordingly, the legal system. In this paper, the author describes the Court’s reasoning and tries to point out its grounds and principles with a few brief remarks.


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