
Since first eighties, the large majority of the western democracies have been the theater of a depth and innovative reform process of the public sector, in which a fundamental role was assumed by the changes that interested the accounting structure through a gradual shift from a cash-basis to an accrual-basis accounting system (so-called « new public financial management »). In Italy, the introduction of accrual accounting in the public sector has been finally formalized by the recent Legislative Decree n. 118/2011, which lays down its use (in conjunction with cash accounting) for all Italian territorial and local government units as from 2014 (with a pilot period in 2012 and 2013). Analyzing the correlated evaluation criteria, it is interesting to observe the ’exceptional’ accounting treatment required for finance lease. In contrast with a formal and legal approach, typical of the Italian accounting tradition, it has been substantially authorized the use of capitalized lease method according to IPSAS 13. Considering this background and the explicit recognition of leasing as a suitable financial operation for the Italian General Government Sector, the paper describes the key elements of IPSAS 13 and focuses on the accounting treatment to use in Financial Statements of both lessee (principally) and lessor (less). Finally the author shares some observations on the possible effectsgenerated by the application of this international accounting standard within the Italian public sector context.


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