Il presupposto oggettivo della revocatoria fallimentare di rimesse in conto corrente: passato, presente e futuro (nota alla sentenza della Corte di Cassazione, Sezione I Civile, del 12 settembre 2018 (dep. 9 gennaio 2019), n. 277)


The Court of Cassation has recently pronounced by giving a general and in-depth overview of the institute of the revocation of current account remittances currently - even if only for a short time - governed by art. 67 and 70 of the bankruptcy law. The date of publication of the ruling precedes, in fact, only one day the Council of Ministers n. 37 of 10 January 2019 which definitively approved the legislative decree which, in implementation of Law no. 155/2017, introduces the Code of Business Crisis and Insolvency. Given that the system of the bank revocation was substantially unchanged from the recent reform, the guidelines set out in the ruling are still relevant and relevant.


  • G. REBECCA, La revocatoria delle rimesse bancarie negli schemi dei decreti legislativi. Qualche osservazione, in www.diritto
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